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Osholene Upiomoh

Indigenous Cultures

Dr. Osholene Upiomoh is an author, researcher, educator and media consultant rooted in her Meritah (African) indigenous culture. Through the lens of African indigenous culture, she writes stories that honour Meritah’s Ancestral lineage, culture, tradition, and spirituality. She is a Meritah (African) Wisdom Indigenous Educator, Cultural Consultant, and Storyteller for Children and Families.

As the Founder and Executive Director of Meritah Wisdom Education Center for Children and Families, CEO of OshoIseh Indigenous African Educational and Cultural Consulting Services, and the host of the Repiyah Heritage TV Show, Osholene strives to preserve and disseminate the richness of Meritah (African) Indigenous culture, spiritual worldview, traditions, and stories.

Osholene is a laureate of the University of Toronto. Armed with a Master’s of Arts degree in Educational Leadership & Policy, she assists individuals, communities, and organizations in merging traditional knowledge with business and financial literacy to achieve economic prosperity while preserving cultural heritage. She has numerous published academic works and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Social Justice Education at OISE, University of Toronto.

Osholene has been conferred numerous awards as a cultural consultant, African Indigenous Educator, financial educator, cultural entrepreneur, organizational consultant, public speaker, author, and storyteller. She lectures and presents at schools and is invited as the Mistress of Ceremonies to host conferences and moderate events, along with oral traditional storytelling performances. As IPF’s Director, Indigenous Cultures, Osholene strives for recognition of indigenous identities, ways of life and the right to traditional lands, territories and natural resources because despite their cultural differences, the diverse indigenous peoples share common problems also related to the protection of their rights.



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