Awards Ceremony and Concert
A special awards presentation ceremony and concert celebrating the IPF Special Merit Awards and the FPI Awards of Merit honourees will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the closing ceremonies of the International Peace Festival (IPF).
IPF | FIP Film Merit Awards 2024
Every film shown at the International Peace Festival | Festival International de la Paix is an extraordinary viewing experience. The IPF | FIP Film Merit Awards are prizes awarded by the International Peace Festival as part of its initiative to raise awareness for the social relevance of films. This year the festival honors 10 films with a Best Film Merit Award, each film of which originates from a world region mostly aligned with the continent on which the country of film origin is located. A Film of the Year Award is also conferred on a film selected for its valuable work on humanitarian and environmental issues. All Award winners will be presented with an original award created by AB Crystal Collection at the Awards Ceremony held annually at the closing of the festival.
IPF | FIP Special Merit Awards 2024
These awards are given to men and women whose works explore the concept of peace through such categories as Space and Form, Qualities, Emotions/States, and People/Social and/or the centrality of peace as a cognitive and motivational subject through the use of local and universal symbols of peace within a variety of cultures and mediums.
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